History of Liberalism and Neoliberalism

There was a time when Europe was undergoing unprecedented transformation. With the advent of stream Engine, the economic norms including means of production, trade patterns, and labor market configurations, had been witnessing dramatic changes. Clearly, these were the departing signs from pastoral to industrialist society.

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Korean War (1950 – 1953) and Pakistan

Korea was geographically a peninsula, sharing its borders with China. In 1910, imperialist Japan seized control of the country; and thus it came under the dominion of Japan. However, world war 2 changed the landscape of the world; many puissant powers such as Germany and Japan had to go down to their knees after the crushing defeat by the Allied powers.

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Why Iran Pak Gas Pipeline project is not completed?

The terms of the project were that it had to be completed by Dec 2014, and Iran had to deliver 21.5 million cubic meters of gas per day to Pakistan after the completion. However, things didn’t happen as perceived; due to international sanctions on Iran, and Pakistan’s strategic interest aligned with Saudi Arabia (a concrete ideological and geo-political foe of Iran).

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How did the Glorious Revolution change Britain forever?

The first stone of change was placed in 1252 in the reign of King John. Barons, businessmen, and traders forced the King to sign the first charter of Human Rights of Europe “Magna Carta.” The agreement was made amid the long struggle between barons and the monarch. The King continually levied heavy taxes on people to collect money so the British Empire could strengthen its military.

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Friedrich Engels Biography and Philosophy

As a fundamentalist communist, Engels accepted that a communist transformation was essential for the world’s endurance. He contended that this upset, which the low class would lead, should have been a huge scope occasion. Following the insurgency, Engels imagined a working-class takeover of the state, prompting fascism of the working class.

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Thomas Hobbes’s Social Contract Theory – Explained

homas Hobbes, an English logician, researcher, and antiquarian, was most popular for his political ways of thinking. His logical works present all noticed peculiarities as the impacts of issues in motion. His persevering through commitment is as a political savant who legitimized colossal government powers based on his intrigued assent of residents.

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